Privacy Policy

Protection of personal data

The COMPANY has created this website with the sole purpose of serving its customers. The website is simple and friendly to use and has been designed to meet the specific needs of each user. In order to achieve the best service, it is important that you, our customer, understand that you must provide us with specific information regarding the processing of your order, which is safeguarded by us.

The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679), any specific national and European legislation for certain sectors, the applicable Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as for the protection of personal data and privacy in the electronic communications sector (Law 3471/2006 , as amended) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority (PPA). The company has adapted to the GDPR framework.

This Privacy Statement and the attached Terms and Conditions of Use of this website describe the method of data collection from the website, our use of this data and the terms and conditions of use of this website. This Privacy Statement relates solely to your personal data that you provide to us during the course of your orders on this website.

What is personal data?
Personal data is information that identifies you directly or indirectly. Indirectly means in combination with other information, such as, for example, your name, postal address, email address and telephone number, or a unique device identification number.

The information voluntarily provided by the users of the mentioned website is used by, in order for its users to have direct and effective communication with the store, to provide them with answers to specific questions they ask and finally to serve and execute their orders. The information collected by through the website is intended to measure the number of visits, to determine the customers’ requirements for more products and to facilitate transactions with the company. does not distribute to any other organization or partner not affiliated with the email addresses, or any other information regarding its users and customers, except to direct partners in the ordering process.

Gathering information has designed its website so that its users can visit it without having to reveal their identity unless they wish to do so. Visitors to our website are asked to provide us with their personal data only if they want to order product(s), register on our website and/or email

Use of Information. collects four types of information about users: (1) information that the user gives us when registering as a customer, (2) information that the user gives us in order to have his/her order executed by, (3) information that the user gives us in participation in competitions that take place from time to time, (4) data that the user gives us for activations of telephony and internet services, (5) information that the user gives us when logging in through another platform (ios, android, Facebook, Google). When filling out any order form on our website, you will be asked for your full name, address, postal code of your area, email address, phone number, credit card details, payment method of the order. In addition, you may also be asked for more specific information, such as shipping – delivery details of an order, billing details or details about an offer you have requested. makes use of the information you give us during the online submission of the form in order to contact you regarding (i) the delivery of the order to your place, (ii) to confirm and identify the customer in any necessary case, (iii) for new or alternative products offered by, (iv) special offers of, (v) activation of a telephone or internet service, (vi) receipt of gifts following a competition draw. You may choose whether or not you wish to receive such communications from by sending your request by e-mail to

Access to Information. Every order processing requires the collection of personal information for the delivery or reservation of an order. Also the use of a credit card, for the charging of which documents identifying the data of the legitimate holder are required the first time only, is guaranteed in every case. Any supporting documents and documents certifying and stating the identity of the customer remains strictly confidential and is only checked by the responsible responsible department of Your submission of your personal data means that you consent to this data being used by the employees of for the reasons mentioned above. requires its employees and website maintainers to provide its client users with the level of security stated in this Privacy Statement. Under no other circumstances may share your personal information with others without your prior consent, unless required through legal channels. Please note that under certain conditions permitted or imposed by law or on the basis of a court order, the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data collected online without your prior consent (for example in the case of a court order).


The has the ability to use cookies as part of the facilitation and operation of services through its website. Cookies are small files (text files), which are sent and stored on the user’s computer, allowing websites such as, to operate smoothly and without technical anomalies, to collect multiple user choices, to identify frequent users, to facilitate their access to it, and to collect data to improve the content of the website. Cookies do not cause damage to users’ computers or to the files stored on them. We use cookies to provide you with information and process orders, but also allow us to present you with promotional & educational content relevant to your interests and needs. You should be aware that cookies are absolutely necessary in order for the website to function properly and seamlessly.

Cookies are divided into the following categories:

Necessary Cookies. They allow the execution of basic functions of the site, such as adding products to the cart, storing products in the wishlist, online payment. Without these essential cookies, the smooth operation of is directly affected, your personal browsing experience is limited and basic e-commerce functions underperform.

Functionality Cookies. These cookies remember your preferences when you browse our website so that we can recommend the right products based on your needs, helping you to find what you are looking for much easier.

Performance cookies. Performance cookies collect information about how visitors use our website. They allow us to see which pages they visit most often, let us know if they experience a problem while browsing, etc. These cookies do not collect information that identifies the visitor as the information is aggregated and therefore anonymous. They are used only to improve the way works

Advertising cookies. These cookies are used to provide advertisements relevant to you and your interests. They are also used to send advertising or offers that are more responsive to your needs thus reducing unwanted and irrelevant advertising messages. They also help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

Cookies Analytics. These are a subset of the Functionality Cookies and enable us to evaluate the effectiveness of the various functions of our website, thus continuously improving the experience we offer you.

Security of transactions is committed to ensuring the security and integrity of the data it collects about the users of its website. has adopted procedures that protect the personal data that users submit to the website or provide by any other means (e.g. by telephone). These procedures protect user data from any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or misuse, and alteration or destruction. They also help to certify that this data is accurate and used correctly. Your connection to it is secure because it uses TLS technology with a 256bit size. TLS technology relies on a code key to encrypt data before it is sent over the (TLS) connection. The security check between the data and the server is based on the unique code key, fully securing the communication. The browsers (browsers) Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari support the TLS protocol and it is recommended to use them to connect to the website of

We apply an appropriate level of security and have therefore implemented reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard the data we collect from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed. Our information security policies and procedures are closely aligned with widely accepted international standards and are regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to meet our business needs, changes in technology and regulatory requirements. Access to your personal data is only granted to staff or direct associates with the Company who are required to have such information to process orders. In the event of a data breach involving personal data, the Company will comply with applicable law regarding notification of the breach.

Your legal rights

As a data subject, you have specific legal rights concerning the personal data we collect from you. The Company will respect your rights and will adequately address your concerns.

The following list contains information about your legal rights under applicable data protection laws:

  • Right to withdraw consent: where personal data is processed on the basis of your consent you may withdraw that consent at any time.
  • Right to rectification. We make reasonable efforts to keep your personal data that we hold or control and that is used on an ongoing basis accurate, complete, current and relevant, based on the most recent information available to us. You also have the ability to review and correct your personal data by logging into your personal account on
  • Right of restriction: You may request us to restrict the processing of your personal data if

– You object to the processing for the period of time that we need to verify the accuracy of your personal data; – The processing is unlawful and you request restriction of processing instead of deletion of your personal data; – We no longer need your personal data, but you need it to support, exercise or defend legal claims; or – You object to the processing for the period of time that we verify whether our legitimate interests override yours; – You object to the processing for the period of time that we verify whether our legitimate interests override yours.

  • Right of access. You may obtain from us, free of charge, a copy of the personal data we hold about you. We reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for any further copy you may request from us.
  • Right of portability: At your request, we will transfer your data to another data controller where technically feasible, provided that the processing is based on your consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract. Instead of receiving a copy of your personal data, you can ask us to transfer the data to another controller, indicated by you, directly.
  • Right to erasure: You may ask us to erase your personal data where – the personal data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or processed – you have the right to object to further processing of your personal data and you exercise this right – the processing is based on your consent, you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing – your personal data has been unlawfully processed unless the processing is unlawful, or the processing is unlawful or unlawful in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or processed – you have the right to object to further processing of your personal data and you exercise this right – the processing is based on your consent, you withdraw your consent and there is no other legal basis for processing – your personal data has been unlawfully processed unless the processing is unlawful or unlawful.
  • Right to object. In this case, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds and an overriding interest in the processing or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims. If you object to the processing, please specify whether you want us to delete your personal data or restrict the processing.
  • Right to lodge a complaint: In the event of an alleged breach of applicable privacy laws, you may lodge a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority in the country where you live or where the alleged breach occurred.

Please Note:

  • Time period: We will try to meet your request within 30 days. However, the time limit may be extended for specific reasons relating to your specific legal right or the complexity of your request.
  • Limitation of access: In some circumstances we may not be able to provide access to all or some of your personal data under legal provisions. If we deny your request for access, we will inform you of the reason for this denial.
  • Non-identification:In some cases, we may not be able to search your personal data because of the identifiers you provide in your request.
    Two examples of personal data that we cannot search for when you provide your name and email address are:- data collected through browser cookies,- data collected by social media networks if you have posted a comment under a pseudonym that is not known to us.

In such cases, where we cannot identify you as a data subject, we are unable to comply with your request to exercise your legal rights as described in this article, unless you provide us with additional information that allows us to identify you.

Exercising your legal rights: In order to exercise your legal rights, please contact us in writing, by email. You may also contact our Data Protection Officer directly at

You can also contact us directly at your email address or contact us directly at your email address at

If you use this website you accept and consent to this Privacy Statement and the terms and conditions of use of the website announced through it.


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